Feel like having a delicious steak dinner, but too lazy to leave the house? No big deal, just light the grill and problem solved, right? Well, it happens to be 10 below zero outside and no one, I repeat NO ONE is about to suffer through that for a steak dinner. Ok, so the next best thing might be to pull out that George Foreman grill that has been collecting dust in your garage for twenty years, eh? Once again, I don’t think anyone really wants to go through that much hassle. Is there an answer to this conundrum, you ask? Absolutely! Over the last several years everyone and their mom has been gifted an Air Fryer at some point by some lazy relative too busy to ask what you really wanted. The time has finally come to pull that bad boy out and fire it up because believe it or not, you can make one of the best steaks of your life in an Air Fryer in just a few short minutes. Ready to give it a try? Pull some steaks from the fridge and let them start warming up to room temperature while you follow along with this recipe. Trust me when I promise you will have the biggest hankering for a fresh, juicy, steak by the time we are done here today!
We need to have a short discussion on steak cuts to begin this recipe walkthrough. Some people prefer NY Strips, some like Sirloin. If you have a decent palate and realize the true facts of life, you will be sure to get a 16oz Ribeye from your local butcher or store and just know whatever happens here you will end up fat, dumb, and happy! But go ahead and choose whatever cut you prefer best. The main trick to this working out is more related to size so try to find any steak around 12-16oz and about 1 inch thick. This seems to be the perfect size to making the Ultimate Air Fryer Steak!

The first step to making the best steak of your life is pretty simple. Like any other time you plan on grilling red meat, the key step is to get it out of the fridge and let it warm up to room temperature. Get that delicious looking meat out and onto your counter for at least an hour, if not two to get this party started. Once the steak has come up to room temperature, we need to season it. Now this step is entirely up to you, but for this particular go around I used one of Kosmos Q’s new line of seasoning blends, Prime Steak, and thoroughly coated one side of a ribeye. I have to give a shout out on this particular seasoning blend because it combines normal seasonings with charcoal powder to produce that classic steak house grilled flavor! However, I have tried this same Air Fryer steak with numerous different blends and seasonings and they all come out great so pick your favorite and cover your steak with twice as much as you think you need. One, an inch thick steak is plenty of meat and can handle quite a bit of seasoning and two, we are going to lose some to the Air Fryer grate itself so just plan ahead and make sure you don’t end up with a perfectly cooked steak with minimal flavor.

Alright it’s cooking time! Plug in that Air Fryer and set the temperature to 400 degrees F and let it preheat a couple minutes to get the internal grate nice and hot. We are trying to get a quick sear on the outside to lock in those juices then essentially finish the cook using the inherent swirling heat inside the cooker. Every Air Fryer is of course, slightly different, but the following timetable should be a good starting point as you experiment on your own. If you are worried about over cooking that perfect cut of meat, pull it early, get an internal temperature reading using a thermometer probe, and adjust accordingly.
RARE | 8 |
MEDIUM RARE | 9-10 |
MEDIUM | 10-11 |
The cook itself is straight forward. Once the Air Fryer is up to 400 degrees F, coat the grate with some cooking spray and drop your steak seasoned side down to begin. Quickly season the top side of the steak and get it back in the Air Fryer with the door shut to maintain that heat we have already built up. Halfway through the cooking time, quickly open the Air Fryer, flip the steak, and get it right back in to finish things up. It’s really that simple! Once time is up, feel free to probe your steak to ensure it is cooked to your personal liking, and pull it from the Air Fryer. Before slicing into that glorious meat, be sure to let it rest a few minutes under some aluminum foil to allow the juices to naturally resettle throughout the fibers of the steak. It’s plenty hot so don’t fret about it cooling too much and having to eat cold steak……Ain’t nobody got time for that!
