Craving a delicious meal that combines both the delight of Mexican flavors and the convenience of a one-pan dish? You're in the right place! Today's recipe, Sheet Pan Cilantro Lime Chicken, will transport your mind, heart, and palate straight to Mexico. But what's so special about this dish, you ask? Well, it's as simple as coating some chicken with a few key spices and ingredients and baking them on a sheet pan till they are tender, juicy, and perfect to add to any meal...Let's Get Cooking!

To get started, select 4 or so chicken breasts that are fairly equal in size and thickness. We want them to cook evenly so if necessary, cover them with plastic wrap and pound them thinner till they are all about the same thickness. Otherwise, place them in a bowl and coat with some olive oil, Toss the chicken breasts around till they are fully covered before sprinkling with some salt and pepper, and repeating the mixing step. Since this recipe goes along quickly, go ahead and turn your oven on to 425 degrees Fahrenheit to preheat while we finish preparing the chicken.

Next, we will make the dry rub, which will infuse all those wonder Mexican flavors we love into the chicken and create a nice outer crust. Add the brown sugar, chili powder, cumin, paprika, garlic, and cayenne to a small bowl and mix until well combined.

Next, sprinkle the dry rub over each chicken breast ensuring they are completely covered on all sides. You can mix it in the same bowl you started seasoning the chicken in or on the sheet pan you plan to use to bake them. I just sprinkled each breast individually and added them back to the initial bowl for a final dusting and coat of dry rub.

Transfer chicken to a sheet pan lined with aluminum foil. This dry rub tends to get a little dark and messy during the cooking process so save yourself the pan scrubbing effort and lay down a sheet of aluminum foil. Simply line them up on the sheet pan and put them in the preheated oven at 425 degrees for about 20 minutes, depending on your particular chicken breast size and thickness.

I highly suggest using a thermometer to prevent overcooking the chicken and drying it out. Once it hits about 160 to 163 degrees, you can pull it from the oven and let it cook the final couple degrees via residual heat.

I know it may look a little dark, but don't worry. That brown sugar adds a ton of color and flavor to the chicken, hence why I suggested the aluminum foil for later cleanup. Otherwise, as long as your chicken hits that final internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit, let the breasts rest for 5-10 minutes before slicing and serving with your favorite sides. This chicken is highly versatile so you could plate it with rice and beans or a mix of bell peppers and onion or just about anything else you like. It is great on its own as a meal prep protein source so let your imagination go wild as to what else you can enjoy it with when you do finally sit down to eat. Be sure to finish off this chicken with a squeeze of fresh lime juice and a few sprinkles of cilantro to fortify those delicious Mexican flavors that make it so wonderful! Simple, quick, and easy enough for a weeknight meal, this Cilantro Lime Chicken can't make sheet pan cooking much better! Pick up the ingredients and give this recipe a try....Just Keep Cooking!