Keep feeling those island vibes and enjoy this sweet, super simple dessert that has been a classic Hawaiian tradition since Duke Kahanamoku perfected the Hang Ten! Okay, I just made that up, but Haupia is a staple at every luau so it was probably came around sometime between King Kamehameha, the Duke, and that Mele Kalikimaka song we all can't sing but keep trying anyway! While this recipe is beyond quick and simple, I decided to test a premade packet against the homemade version to see which came out better. Check out the test below and see for yourself!

I'll begin with the premade store bought packet. It was quick and easy. Boil some water, add the packet, whisk, and pour into a container to cool and set up.
To my surprise, it did turn out fairly well. It ended up slightly sweeter than homemade, but the texture was just slightly off from my memories of enjoying this dessert in Oahu. Rather than a smooth, creamy mouth feel, the packet produced more of a gelatin-like texture. If I had to rate it based on taste, I would still probably give it a 7/10. However, since it essentially took the same amount of time and effort to prepare as a true homemade version, and you have to just happen to find it at who knows which store, I'm going to dock it 2 points and rate it 5/10 overall. It will do in a pinch, but I suggest following the recipe card below and making your own from scratch. You get a better yield, better texture, and the satisfaction of knowing you didn't cheat on such a classic traditional dessert!
With that being said, the homemade version was as simple as heating a can of coconut milk and some sugar in a saucepan. Add a cornstarch slurry and whisk for 10 minutes before pouring into a pan to set up, similar to the previous attempt. It came out much better in my honest opinion. The texture was smooth and creamy, leaning more to a jelly pudding rather than gelatin. It wasn't overly sweet and reminded me much more of what I originally had in Oahu years ago. And I ended up with almost 3 times the final product, and that my Ohana, is what I'm talking about!
Whichever route you end up choosing to follow, this coconut jelly pudding is sure to have your entire family satisfied and happy after a delicious meal. It's quick, lightweight, and can even be enjoyed as an ice cream topping to put it on a whole other level! Give it a try and see for yourself. Even all the coconut haters out there seem to find room for a few pieces of Haupia after a big hearty Hawaiian meal! Ohoiho!