Admit it. No one really wants to wake up in the morning and start cooking, especially on a work/school day. We all still want a filling breakfast, but just don't feel like sacrificing the sleep to get it done. A simple answer to this age old conundrum is met with today's recipe, the Slow Cooker Egg White Frittata! You can make it over the weekend when you do have the extra free time, portion it out into separate containers for the work/school week, and simply heat up to enjoy daily. It is a healthy, simple, few ingredient meal packed full of protein and veggies without many calories! Not only will you get your full night's sleep, assuming you get to bed at a decent time, you will start your day with a great breakfast and smile on your face. Get ready to make your coworkers jealous with this flavor bomb breakfast staple.....Let's get cooking!

The best part of slow cooker cooking is the ease and one pot mentality saving time in the kitchen cooking over on open flame or washing dishes. For this Slow Cooker Egg White Frittata, begin by spraying the slow cooker insert with some nonstick spray or oil. It is not absolutely necessary, but does help prevent the edges from turning too dark and overcooking. Next, pour in your egg whites. Yes, it is really that simple with this recipe. Buy a carton of egg whites, already separated from the yolks and ready to use, and add them to the slow cooker.

Well, we all know any good omelet or generic egg recipe needs some milk to help fortify the eggs themselves so add some milk. Whole, skim, almond, whatever you have will work just fine. Hell, milk that pet goat you have been hiding out back and use that delicious nectar. As long as you add some sort of milk this recipe will turn out just fine. Just pour it in and give it a quick stir to combine with the egg whites.

Now, there is just a couple minutes of prep work needed at this point. We are going to be adding onion, bell pepper, cubed ham, and some shredded cheese. The good news is that you really only need to prep the onion and bell pepper. Dice them fairly small, as you probably don't want giant ass chunks in your finished frittata. As for the ham, well once again the store comes to our rescue with prepackaged cubed ham. However, if you have leftover ham from Sunday's dinner or just some ham in the fridge in general, go ahead and dice that up and save a couple bucks. Again, spend a minute on your prep and knife skills and make it fairly small and uniform if you are chopping your own ham. The same thing goes for the shredded cheese. If you have a block of cheese on hand, feel free to grate your own. Otherwise, just buy a bag of shredded cheese mix, some sort of cheddar blend, and continue being lazy for this particular recipe. Once these four ingredients are ready, simply add them to the slow cooker and give everything a stir to mix well.
And just like that, in 5 minutes or less, you have everything ready to go and just have to turn on your slow cooker. Cook this egg white frittata on the low setting for 3-4 hours. The important thing to remember is to not get impatient and open the lid to look in and check on things before 3 hours. Trust the process and let it go. It will be cooked after 3 hours, but if you get side tracked or busy with something else, it will be fine to keep cooking on low for up to an additional hour. However, when you do check on it after 3 hours, just make sure everything is set up and solid. There will likely be some additional condensation liquid from the cooking process which you can drain off or soak up with a paper towel, but the frittata itself should be firm and set up with no runny egg mixture remaining.

The frittata is still fairly delicate at this point, so I suggest removing the entire slow cooker insert from the base itself and placing it in the fridge, on a kitchen towel, to cool the egg mixture and finish setting everything. You can go ahead and portion it out of the slow cooker while still hot, but it will probably be a bit messy and crumble apart. Letting it cool completely and finish setting up not only makes removing it easier, but also fully solidifies the frittata so it looks pretty for your friends and family to drool over, lol. I put mine in the fridge overnight with the lid on, but a couple hours should be plenty if you want everything done before going to bed.
That is it, folks! I used a 32 ounce carton of egg whites for my batch, which equates to 20 egg whites. I portioned mine into 8 servings which ends up being just over 300 calories each with 28 grams of protein and only 5 net carbs! Whether you follow the Keto diet or just want a healthy breakfast meal, this Slow Cooker Egg White Frittata checks all the right boxes for a delicious, simple breakfast both adults and kids alike can enjoy. This base recipe is just an idea to get you started, so give it a try and let me know what else you added to make your version so wonderful and tasty! Bacon, jalapeños, shredded pork....the options are really endless so think of your favorite omelet and go to town modifying this recipe.....Just keep cooking!