Whether you are looking for a simple Easter dinner or just enjoy lamb, today's recipe, Garlic Roasted Lamb, fits the bill for any occasion! It's super simple, fresh, and delicious. There really isn't much to explain so grab yourself a boneless leg of lamb, a bunch of garlic, and some fresh rosemary to prepare for this roasted lamb recipe...Let's Get Cooking!

Today we are going to be using a boneless leg of lamb. If you can find a whole, bone in leg of lamb at your local store, by all means use that, but since boneless is more common I'll explain this recipe process with that in mind. Boneless legs of lamb typically come from the store wrapped in netting, to hold shape for even cooking. All you have to do is remove the plastic wrapper and place your netted, boneless leg of lamb in a roasting pan. This would also be a good time to preheat your oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit while we finish prepping the lamb.

Use a paring knife or small steak knife to cut 20 slits evenly spaced around the lamb and stuff each one with a clove of garlic. Be careful not to cut the netting so everything remains bound together.

Next, arrange the fresh rosemary sprigs under the netting so that they cover a majority of the top side of the lamb. Additionally, go ahead and sprinkle that granulated garlic over the entire leg of lamb just to make sure the Vampires don't come knocking around dinner time!

Once your oven is preheated, place the entire roasting pan with the leg of lamb in the oven and let it cook for 2 to 2.5 hours, until the internal temperature reaches 130 degrees Fahrenheit. I highly suggest investing in a wireless remote thermometer if you don't have one already. It's nice to be able to get out of the kitchen and have temperature alerts sent to your phone, but even a wired thermometer will do the trick for this one since you will likely be preparing side dishes as the lamb cooks and able to glance over once in a while. Anyway, once the internal temperature hits 130 degrees, remove the lamb from the oven and tent it with aluminum foil to rest for 20 minutes or so.

After your lamb has rested and likely increased temperature up to 135 degrees, you can cut away the netting the sweep off the excess rosemary sprigs so you can carve up this tasty meat!

That's all there is to this simple, delicious Garlic Roasted Lamb, folks! It's foolproof, relatively cheap, and will feed the entire family for Easter dinner or just any random night of the week. Obviously, 130-135 degree range is Medium-Rare so adjust your cook timing and temperatures according to how you like to enjoy your lamb. Remember, this is a whole, boneless leg of lamb, though, so you will likely have leftovers. It's better to cook it a little shorter and more on the Rare side initially so when you reheat things the next day it isn't overcooked and dry, but you do you and douse it in some sort of sauce if needed, lol. Besides, you can also quickly pan fry a slice to cook it a little more done if you don't like much red in your meat, but please don't destroy tasty lamb and cook it fully through till it's dry and tasteless, I beg! I digress but be sure to give this recipe a try next time you feel like enjoying some lamb....Just Keep Cooking!